It is important to understand that this is not a crisis counselling service, which means that if you need help immediately, you will need to contact an emergency counselling service such as:
Lifeline ➤ 13 11 14
Beyond Blue ➤ 1300 224 636
Suicide Call Back Service ➤ 1300 659 467
Emergency ➤ 000
Counselling provides confidential support which means that everything we discuss during our sessions is private and stays between us. However, there are a few circumstances in which I may legally be required to break confidentiality. If I have reason to believe that you are at risk of harming yourself or others, I am legally obligated to report this to the appropriate authorities. I am also a mandatory reporter which means I am required to report any suspected active child abuse and neglect to government authorities. I will be making case notes after each session in order to track your progress, and these notes can be subpoenaed by a court if you become involved with a legal matter. If you are using NDIS funding for your counselling sessions, I may be also asked to provide reports on your counselling progress to the NDIA or to an advocate such as your support coordinator. You will always be made aware of these circumstances prior to our sessions commencing to ensure you consent to this information being shared.
Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy
I understand that there may be times when you need to cancel or reschedule your counselling appointment. I value your time as well as my own, and request a minimum of 72 hours notice which can be provided via text message, phone call, or email. If notice is given later than this, I'm afraid you will still be charged for the full cost of the appointment.
Contact Guidelines
I am not available for phone calls or texting regarding counselling matters outside of our agreed session time because I will be working with other clients and need to be able to give them my full attention, just as I will provide to you in our own sessions. If you come across a topic that you would like to discuss in counselling outside of your session, I would love for you to write it down in your journal or on your phone so we can explore it together during our next session!
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